ParentPay ClassDojo School Logo


Whittington CE (VA) Primary School

Living and Learning with God by our side

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Opening Times

School Opening times -

School gates open 8:40am 

Registration 8:55am


End of school day -

KS1 - 3:10PM

KS2 - 3:15PM


Total school day hours: 6 hours 35 mins. 

Weekly total 32 hours 15 mins.


Office hours -

8:00am - 16:30pm

Open 42.5 hours weekly


Breakfast Club -

7:30am - 8:40am

After School Club - 

3:10pm - 6:00pm 


For all enquiries, please contact Miss Warner or Miss Windsor in the School Office.

Paper copies are available of all the information on our website, free of charge.

